Understanding why you get mosquito bites
Have you ever noticed that mosquitoes start buzzing around you within a few seconds when you go outside? This means that they are close. They're not zipping into your yard from your neighbor's property to get to you. They live on your property. If you address your mosquito problem, you'll have fewer mosquitoes to deal with, and it will take longer for them to get to you.
Another factor to consider is how mosquitoes enter your yard. There are a few facts you should know.
- Mosquitoes have poor eyesight. They can't see you when you come out of your home. Therefore, your presence in your yard isn't a primary attractant.
- Mosquitoes feed on nectar and plant sap for survival. If you have lawn weeds, you will attract mosquitoes.
- Mosquitoes can wander into your yard, but they don't do this frequently. Most mosquitoes will not travel more than a few hundred feet in their entire lifetime.
The key to preventing mosquito bites in your yard is taking the time to reduce or eliminate mosquito breeding opportunities. Let's look at how this works.
How mosquitoes breed
Most mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. The eggs hatch into tiny wriggling bugs called wrigglers. These bugs develop and become tumblers. The tumblers cocoon themselves and later emerge as winged insects. You may prevent mosquitoes simply by finding stagnant water and pouring it out onto the ground. Doing so will cause the mosquitoes to dehydrate.
You can address stagnant water breeding sites before mosquitoes lay their eggs and simply remove them from your property.
- Check your yard for any objects that collect rainwater.
- Check your roof to see if you have any areas where puddles form.
- Address any plumbing issues, such as leaking sprinkler systems or exterior spigots in your home.
- Check knots in trees to see if water is collected.
These tips will get you started but remember to consider other places on your property where mosquitoes might breed.
How exterminators treat mosquitoes
When property owners contact Greenway Pest Solutions for mosquito control, we’ll start by performing a mosquito inspection that allows us to identify and evaluate the conditions that allow mosquito reproduction and development. After that, we’ll complete an initial mosquito treatment and install mosquito traps.
Since our program is seasonal, we’ll come back out every month, April through October, to mosquito fog your property, check on mosquito traps, and treat rain barrels, water troughs, koi ponds, and fish ponds.
In addition to our seasonal mosquito control, we offer one-time mosquito treatments that are completed in advance of your outdoor event. Great for outdoor weddings, family reunions, corporate picnics, and other outdoor events, this solution drastically reduces mosquito activity before the guests arrive!